Our service specializes in delete car history that have ever been offered for sale at auctions in Canada or the United States. Cars bought at specialized auctions in these countries are described in detail for buyers. The list of details includes mileage, information about previous owners, and technical condition. This information may ruin the car's reputation while selling it or simply be irrelevant.
The service vin cleaner removes this type of information:
delete car history of the sales, previous owners;
delete photos of the car on publicly available resources;
delete technical information (mileage, participation in accidents and so on).
How is the remove car history work?
The process of delete car and photos from the Internet takes no more than 2-7 working days. When all the procedures are completed, the Internet resources will not provide any data on your vin number.
Advantages of vin cleaner service:
complete clearing of the history and photos of your car forever;
detailed report about the done work;
reasonable cost of the service.
Remove car history is the most reasonable solution for every car owner, who wants to sell the car successfully! Contact our specialists and order the vin cleaner service!