Car auctions in USA and Canada attract buyers not only by affordable prices, but also by detailed information about each lot. The auction sites' resources contain data on all cars that have gone through auctions.
And people who have purchased a car in the U.S. will have a hard time reselling it, since all the information about the lot is available on the internet by searching for the vin number.
The vin cleaner service is meant to equalize the chances for successful resale of the car.
Our specialists will permanently remove car history about your vehicle from the internet within a few working days!
From auction sites and even from a google search engine will be:
delete car history from all available sources;
delete car images and pictures from the google search;
delete all references that search engines offer on request vin numbers of your car.
To order the service vin cleaner leave online application form, after which our manager will describe the terms and conditions of the service and calculate the final price of our work to delete car history and photos of your car from the internet.